N4 Pharma’s Nuvec® platform has been independently appraised by Dr. Amy S. Rosenberg, Senior Director of Immunology and Protein Therapeutics at EpiVax.
In the report Dr. Rosenberg assesses how N4 Pharma’s breakthrough Nuvec® platform might address the current shortcomings in cancer therapy. The novel silica nanoparticle delivery system can safely and efficiently deliver siRNAs to tumours, inhibiting multiple tumour growth factor pathways and leading to tumour cell death.
Dr. Rosenberg confirms: “The ability to deliver repeated doses of Nuvec® bound siRNAs without the induction of interfering antibodies gives Nuvec® a significant advantage over mAb-based approaches. In addition, the reduced immunogenic profile of the Nuvec® system may limit potential adverse events associated with the inflammatory or immune response.”
Dr. Rosenberg is uniquely placed to assess the Nuvec® platform as she has extensive knowledge of immunogenicity and immune tolerance. Her three-decade long career with the US Federal Drug Association (FDA) has provided her with an extensive knowledge of regulatory process.
The next step for N4 Pharma is the move towards preclinical studies to assess Nuvec®’s impact on different tumour types and to define the optimal administration route. These studies will also further examine the benefits of blocking multiple factor pathways as opposed to one.
Download the full consulting report here.