
Independent appraisal of N4 Pharma’s Nuvec® platform by EpiVax consultant

2024-01-24T09:30:37+00:00January 24th, 2024|News|

N4 Pharma’s Nuvec® platform has been independently appraised by Dr. Amy S. Rosenberg, Senior Director of Immunology and Protein Therapeutics at EpiVax. In the report Dr. Rosenberg assesses how N4 Pharma’s breakthrough Nuvec® platform might address the current shortcomings in cancer therapy. The novel silica nanoparticle delivery system can [...]

Poster presentation: Enhancing adenovirus gene transfer using novel nanoparticles complexes

2023-10-19T15:41:46+01:00October 12th, 2023|Blog, News|

Our research partners at Brunel University London found that adenovirus (Av) – an effective gene delivery vehicle for vaccinations – complexed with Nuvec®, can significantly improve adenovirus transduction. In the study, researchers investigated the effect of using Nuvec to improve Av gene transfer. To identify the optimal concentration [...]

Acquisition of Nanogenics Ltd

2024-02-20T16:22:26+00:00September 29th, 2023|Blog, N4 Pharma Investor Presentations, News|

N4 Pharma is pleased to announce the acquisition of a controlling interest, through a subscription for new ordinary shares, in Nanogenics Limited, a company with a complementary lipid and peptide-based delivery system called LipTide®, which it is using to develop a novel siRNA product targeting an unmet clinical need in [...]

News: N4 Pharma to support with the development of a new nanoparticle delivery system

2023-06-27T10:32:57+01:00June 27th, 2023|Blog, News|

The University of Queensland has announced that Professor Chengzhong Yu, Senior Group Leader, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) has been awarded a $402,115 grant to develop an improved nanoparticle delivery system that enhances the performance of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) therapies. The new nanoparticle will be based [...]

Video: SiRNA transfection with Nuvec® and subsequent inhibition of mRNA translation

2023-06-23T11:14:52+01:00June 23rd, 2023|Blog, News, Uncategorised|

Our new animation displays how Nuvec’s® unique spiky structure and large surface area allow it to efficiently load, protect and deliver multiple siRNA to a target cell through endocytosis. Once delivered to the cytoplasm, the siRNA binds to the RNA-inducing silencing complex (RISC) to cut and degrade the specific [...]

Article: Could new-generation silica nanoparticles be the next big thing in siRNA delivery systems for cancer treatment? 

2023-05-10T09:49:58+01:00May 4th, 2023|Article, Blog, News|

In our latest article, we look at how Nuvec® offers an alternative to current drug delivery approaches for small interfering RNA (siRNA). Not only is Nuvec® particularly suited to chemical modification, allowing the addition of target specific ligands to receptors on cancer cells, but it may offer the convenience of [...]

The data – evidence based results

2023-01-04T09:28:27+00:00January 4th, 2023|Blog, News|

As a result of recently completed initial testing in vitro on loaded Nuvec®  with two generic siRNA probes, N4 Pharma has created an infographic outlining the key results and detailing how Nuvec®  works to deliver multiple siRNA into the same cell. With siRNA increasingly being used in the development [...]

Article: Deagglomeration of DNA nanomedicine carriers using controlled ultrasonication

2022-09-06T10:17:33+01:00September 6th, 2022|Blog, News|

Ultrasound sonication is a well-established mechanism for the deagglomeration of particle materials in dispersion. In this recently published paper, the National Physical Laboratory investigates the deagglomeration of Nuvec® silica particles with and without the presence of plasmid via controlled sonication. It evaluated the performance of controlled cavitation using different [...]

Poster Presentation: Nuvec® as a gene therapy platform in oncology

2022-07-14T16:00:23+01:00July 14th, 2022|Blog, News|

In collaboration with Nanomerics Ltd, N4 Pharma has released the results of a recent study assessing the potential of Nuvec® , a non-viral nanoparticle delivery system consisting of poly(ethylenimine) coated silica particles, as a gene therapy delivery platform in cancer treatment. Introducing exogenous genetic material to a cell alters [...]

N4 Pharma in the news

2022-07-01T15:44:08+01:00July 1st, 2022|News|

N4 Pharma highlights the potential of Nuvec® as a gene therapy delivery platform by successfully completing a pre-clinical, in-vivo oncology study. The results reinforce the findings from an earlier pilot study designed to test the ability to use a monodispersed Nuvec® formulation in an intravenous (“i.v”) route of administration using [...]

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